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Here at The Steel Network. (TSN), we aim to keep the steel industry informed on the latest news and happenings for light steel framing.  You’ll find industry news, unique blog articles about cold-formed steel framing topics, technical articles about light steel framing conditions, and a collection of other informative data from various steel framing news outlets. Take a minute to search through the archives, we trust you will find many enlightening posts aimed to expand your knowledge and love for light steel framing.  

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Light Steel Framing News

TSN Employees Help with Hurricane Florence Recovery

TSN Employees Help with Hurricane Florence Recovery

Hurricane Florence struck the east coast of North Carolina on September 9th, 2018. It proceeded to ruin thousands of homes, kill over 50 people, and cause well over 40 billion in damages. As devastating as these statistics are, they only tell part of the story. One of...

Buy Steel Network Clips Online

Buy Steel Network Clips Online

TSN now offers an Online Store to make the process of buying cold formed steel for your project easier than ever. Ordering metal stud clips has never been this convenient or streamlined. No more waiting for a sales person to get back to you, following up on orders to...


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