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Light Steel Framing News

SteelSmart System 7.5 Released

SteelSmart System 7.5 Released

We’re happy to announce the release of SteelSmart® System (SSS) Version 7.5! SSS 7.5 includes new code changes for 2015 IBC, AISI S100-12, & ASCE 7-10, updates to several modules, and the addtion of several new products from The Steel Network. For a list of new...

Remembering Veterans this Memorial Day

Remembering Veterans this Memorial Day

As a veteran owned and operated business for more than 25 years, we at TSN recognize our fallen veterans and support those veterans still struggling at home. From now until June 2nd, a portion of the processds on full skids of our most widely used clip, MasterClip...

StiffClip® HS (Header/Sill) – New Product!

StiffClip® HS (Header/Sill) – New Product!

StiffClip HS® - Header/Sill Connector The StiffClip® HS series is used when connecting headers or sills to jambs. StiffClip HS transfers horizontal loads from the header to the jamb while incorporating a shelf leg for alignment of the JamStud header during...

PrimeJoist® – New Product!

PrimeJoist® – New Product!

PrimeJoist® - Steel Joist PrimeJoist® is a revolutionary addition to the light gauge steel construction industry, producing significant economies in both design and installation when compared with conventional “C” Shaped joists. PrimeJoist’s unique configuration...

ISO 9001:2008 Certification

ISO 9001:2008 Certification

Press Release The Steel Network, Inc. receives ISO 9001:2008 Certification Durham, North Carolina – July 26, 2011 - The Steel Network, Inc. (TSN) is pleased to announce that its manufacturing facility in Durham, NC has successfully completed the ISO 9001:2008...


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