Flat Strap

In addition to it’s standard use in wall bridging, Flat strap is also the tension element used to transfer loads between diagonally located strap tracks in TSN’s StiffWall® System (x-braced shear walls). Straps are utilized on both sides of the StiffWall for shear resistance. TSN’s Flat Strap provides superior quality with high yield ASTM A1003 steel and hot-dipped galvanized coating for long-term durability.
  • Designed and manufactured to meet the performance requirements of the project.
  • Only mill certified high strength steel is used.
  • Meets or exceeds both strength and stiffness requirements of the applicable building code.
Order Information

The Selection of flat strap for StiffWall is simplified to 6 strap types, with load capacity factored using standard 12ga (97mil) strap track (see Step-By-Step Design Procedure on TSN’s StiffWall product page for Allowable Flat Strap Capacity Chart). Flat Strap is cut to length with square ends, and will need to be cut to final length in the field. To determine the length of the flat straps, follow these simple steps:

  1. Find the width (A) and the height (B) of the StiffWall.
  2. Then, use the following formula to determine the length of the strap: A2 + B2 = C2
  3. Next, take the square root of C, round up to the nearest whole number and add 1

This will result in a length in feet that you can work with. If C equals a whole number, you may want to add 2 to make sure the length is enough.

Example: 8′ wall height with a width of 16′ would look like this: (8×8) + (16×16) = √320. = 17.88
Round up to 18′ and add 1′ for a strap length of 19′.
Material Composition
A1003 / A1003M ST50H [ST340H], Grade 50 (340), 50ksi (340MPa) minimum yield strength, 65ksi (450 MPa) minimum tensile strength, G-60 (Z180) hot-dipped galvanized coating; or equivalent.

TSN’s Product Catalogs are an essential resource for the design of cold formed steel. Developed by Engineers, the catalogs contain design data for members, connectors, and fasteners. FlatStrap® can be found in the following Catalogs:

TSN Cold-Formed Steel Framing Loadbearing Order Catalog

TSN Loadbearing Technical Catalog

TSN Cold-Formed Steel Framing Loadbearing Technical Catalog

TSN Loadbearing Order Catalog

For a full list of our product catalogs, specification sections, inspection checklists, and research reports please click here.

Flat Strap Downloads

Flat Strap Applications

Flat Strap is made in a variety of widths and lengths and can be used in TSN’s StiffWall X-Braced Shearwall System or for cold-formed steel wall bridging. 

StiffWall X-Braced Shear Wall - Color Coded Components

X-Braced Shear Wall

Allowable Loads

Flat Strap Product Profile (For StiffWall®)
Section Width (D) Gauge Design Thickness (t) Min. Steel Thickness (t(min)) Area Weight
(in) (in) (in) (in2) lbs/ft
FS400-54, 50 ksi 4 16 0.0566 0.0538 0.226 0.770
FS600-54, 50 ksi 6 16 0.0566 0.0538 0.340 1.156
FS800-54, 50 ksi 8 16 0.0566 0.0538 0.453 1.541
FS800-68, 50 ksi 8 14 0.0713 0.0677 0.570 1.941
FS1000-68, 50 ksi 10 14 0.0713 0.0677 0.713 2.426
Flat Strap Product Profile (For Bridging)
FS200-43, 50 ksi 2 18 0.0451 0.0428 0.090 0.307
FS300-43, 50 ksi 3 18 0.0451 0.0428 0.135 0.460
FS300-54, 50 ksi 3 16 0.0566 0.0538 0.170 0.578
Table Notes
  1. Section properties and capacities are calculated in accordance with AISI-NASPEC 2007.
  2. Structural framing is produced to meet or exceed ASTM C955, A653, and A1003.
  3. Non-Structural framing is produced to meet or exceed ASTM C645, A653, and A1003.
  4. Galvanized sheet steel meets or exceeds requirements of ASTM A924 & A1003
FlatStrap Load Direction

Load Direction

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