DriftTrak® Headed Stud
- DTSLB is ICC-ES Approved, report #ESR-2049
- Grooves in 1” leg pass over fastener heads
- DTSLB-HD clips without notches for greater F2 outward load capacity.
- Locking Angle DT-LA is available to lock the horizontal movement of the wall panel after installation for cases of no drift requirements.
- DriftTrak is available in 12’ lengths.
- Load-rated positive mechanical attachment at each stud
- Patented Step Bushing Technology® provides friction-free motion for smooth vertical deflection
- Eliminates loose friction-held assemblies, heavy deep-leg track, & top row of wall bridging/strapping
- Load-rated #12 screws provided for vertical deflection connection to stud web
- Track DTLB, & DTSLB-HD manufactured with certified, 50ksi, 97mil, G90 cold-formed steel
- DTSLB manufactured with certified, 50ksi, 68mil, G90 cold-formed steel
Order Information
DT-LA (Locking Angle)
DriftTrak® DTH-10ft
DriftTrak® DTH-12ft
DT-LA (Locking Angle)
DriftTrak® DTH-10ft
DriftTrak® DTH-12ft
DT-LA (Locking Angle)
DriftTrak® DTH-10ft
DriftTrak® DTH-12ft
DT-LA (Locking Angle)
DriftTrak® DTH-10ft
DriftTrak® DTH-12ft
Nomenclature: The DriftTrack Headed Stud comes in 10′ and 12′ lengths. To specify
DriftTrak, list “DTH,” followed by the length. The assembly requires the member (DTH-10 or DTH-12) and the connector
(DTSLB/DTLB). DTSLB is classified by multiplying stud depth by 100, followed by “HD,” based on F2 strength required.
Refer to load tables.*
Example:6″ stud depth, with an outward load (F2) of 1,000 lbs
Designate: DTH-12 & DTSLB600-HD
* Clips (DTSLB/DTLB) and track (DTH-10 or DTH-12) are ordered/sold separately.
** Notches are standard in DriftTrak DTSLB. For greater F2 outward load capacity, use DTSLB-HD clips without
notches. Refer to Allowable Load Table.
Material Composition
Track Material: ASTM A1003/A1003M Structural Grade 50 (340) Type H, ST50H (ST340H): 50ksi (340MPa) minimum yield strength, 65ksi (450MPa) minimum tensile strength, 97mil minimum thickness (12 gauge, 0.1017” design thickness) with ASTM A653/A653M G60 (Z180) hot dipped galvanized coating.
Headed Stud Material: ASTM A29/A108, Grades 1010 through 1020 or equivalent, 45ksi (310MPa) minimum yield strength, 55ksi (380MPa) minimum tensile strength, ⅜” diam. x 3 ⅛” length with ¾” head diameter.
Clip Material: DriftTrak – Headed Stud can be used with DTSLB-HD and DTLB-HD clips: ASTM A1003/A1003M Structural Grade 50 (340) Type H, ST50H (ST340H): 50ksi (340MPa) minimum yield strength, 65ksi (450MPa) minimum tensile strength, 97mil minimum thickness (12 gauge, 0.1017” design thickness) with ASTM A653/A653M G90 (Z275) hot dipped galvanized coating.
TSN’s Product Catalogs are an essential resource for the design of cold formed steel. Developed by Engineers, the catalogs contain design data for members, connectors, and fasteners. DriftTrak® HS can be found in the following Catalogs:
For a full list of our product catalogs, specification sections, inspection checklists, and research reports please click here.
US Patents #7,503,150 & Patent Pending
DriftTrak® Bypass Downloads
DriftTrak® Bypass Applications
The unique design of MasterClip allows it to be installed either as a vertical deflection connection or a rigid connection. Attachment to the primary structure may be made with a PAF, screw/bolt anchors, or weld and is dependent upon the base material (steel or concrete) and the design configuration.
Headed Stud Embedded into Slab for Curtain Wall Slab Bypass as a Drift Connection with No Vertical Deflection
Installation Instructions
Step 1: Insert DTH inside concrete slab form prior to pouring concrete.
Step 2: Adjust DTH vertically per design details. Block end to prevent concrete seepage.
Step 3: After concrete form is removed, twist clips into DTH track.
Step 4: Install stud panel and slide clips into place.
Step 5: Ensure stiffener is in place.
Step 6: Attach stud to clip with specified fasteners through guide holes.
Optional Step: To lock lateral movement, fasten DT-LA (Locking Angle) to DriftTrak components using #12 screws (not included). Locking is recommended at 4 ft. spacing or 3rd stud, max.
DTLB Installation
DriftTrak® Headed Studs Allowable Loads:
Load Table Notes:
- Design loads are for attachment of DriftTrak DTH w/ DTSLB-HD to stud and stud weld to track only.
- Allowable loads have not been increased for wind, seismic, or other factors.
- Clips are manufactured to fit into DriftTrak DTH. DriftTrak DTH w/ DTSLB-HD allows up to 2″ of vertical deflection (1″ up and 1″ down), and free lateral movement of the structure.
- #12 screws are provided for each step bushing attachment to studs. Load requirements don’t always justify use of a third screw.
- Maximum tension on a single anchor should not exceed 1,600 lbs ASD. In tension, the strength of the anchor itself should be considered. The weld does not need to be considered in tension as the load table and 1,600 lbs ASD maximum tension value are inclusive of the strength of the welds.
- Designers must check headed stud tension anchorage capacity into concrete per ACI 318 based on the actual headed stud edge distance an concrete compressive strength. For more information, call TSN Technical Suppot.
- One row of bridging is recommended at a maximum distance of 18″ from DriftTrak DTH w/ DTSLB-HD to resist torsional effects.
- Standard offset of stud from the open face of the track should not exceed 1-1/4″ for DriftTrak DTH w/ DTSLB362/400-HD or DTSLB600-HD clips.
- Standard offset of stud from the open face of the track should not exceed 2-1/2″ for DriftTrak DTH w/ DTSLB800-HD clips.
- Offset is measured from the open face of the track to the inside face of the stud.
- For LRFD strengths contact TSN technical services.
Load Direction
F2 Load Directions
Max. Offset = 1-1/4" for DTSLB362/400-HD
2 Screws
Max. Offset = 1-1/4" for DTSLB600-HD
Max. Offset = 2-1/2" for DTSLB800-HD
2 Screws
Max. Offset = 1-1/4" for DTSLB600-HD
Max. Offset = 2-1/2" for DTSLB800-HD
3 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB362/400-HD
4 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB362/400-HD
6 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB600-HD
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB800-HD
4 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB600-HD
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB800-HD
6 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB600-HD
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB800-HD
9 Screws
F3 Load Directions
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB362/400-HD
4 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB362/400-HD
6 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB600-HD
4 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB600-HD
6 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB600-HD
9 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB800-HD
4 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB800-HD
6 Screws
Max. Offset = 1" for DTLB800-HD
9 Screws
Load Table Notes:
- Design loads are for attachment of DriftTrak DTH w/ DTLB-HD to stud only.
- Allowable loads have not been increased for wind, seismic, or other factors.
- Clips are manufactured to fit into DriftTrak DTH. DriftTrak DTH w/ DTLB-HD provides a rigid connection to the stud while allowing free lateral movement of the structure.
- Torsional effects are considered on screw group for F3 allowable loads. It is assumed that all of the torsional moment is taken by the connection to the stud.
- Loads listed reflect force in a single direction. When multiple loads act on the connection, it is the responsibility of the designer to check the interaction of forces.
- Maximum tension on a single anchor should not exceed 1,600 lbs ASD. In tension, the strength of the anchor itself should be considered. The weld does not need to be considered in tension as the load table and 1,600 lbs ASD maximum tension value are inclusive of the strength of the welds.
- Designers must check headed stud tension anchorage capacity into concrete per ACI 318 based on the actual headed stud edge distance an concrete compressive strength. For more information, call TSN Technical Suppot.
- One row of bridging is recommended at a maximum distance of 18″ from DriftTrak DTH w/ DTLB-HD if no other stud lateral restraint is present.
- Standard offset of stud from the open face of the track should not exceed 1″ for DriftTrak DTH w/ DTLB362/400-HD, DTLB600-HD, or DTLB800-HD clips.
- Offset is measured from the open face of the track to the inside face of the stud.
- For LRFD strengths contact TSN technical services.