Common Clip Angle

As part of The Steel Network’s continuing efforts to provide the best value to construction professionals, TSN is pleased to now offer stocked common clip angle shapes. Most of TSN’s stocked common angle products contain pre-drilled guide holes for increased ease of installation, accuracy and efficiency.
  • Pre-punched holes come standard for increased efficiency
  • Any thickness up to & including 10ga (118mil)
  • Custom angles and punch patterns available by request
Order Information
Designation Qty/Box Lbs/Box Qty/Skid Lbs/Skid
L1.5x1.5x3.5-54 250 42 15,000 2,535
L1.5x1.5x3.5-68 200 43 12,000 2,555
L1.5x1.5x3.5-97 150 46 9,000 2,733
L1.5x1.5x5.5-54 150 40 13,500 3,586
L1.5x1.5x5.5-68 100 33 9,000 3,011
L1.5x1.5x5.5-97 100 48 6,000 2,863
L1.5x1.5x6-68 50 19 3,000 1,140
L1.5x1.5x7.5-54 100 36 6,000 2,173
L1.5x1.5x7.5-68 100 46 6,000 2,737
L1.5x1.5x7.5-97 50 33 3,000 1,952
L1.5x5.31x4.5-97 50 43 2,000 1,720
L2x2x2.5-33 250 25 15,000 1,476
L2x2x3.5-33 250 34 15,000 2,066
L2x2x5.5-54 100 35 6,000 2,125
L2x2x5.5-68 75 33 4,500 2,007
L2x2x5.5-97 50 32 3,000 1,909
L2x2x3.5-68-9H-.375 75 48 4,500 2,863
L2x2x3.5-68-9H-.5 75 48 4,500 2,863
L2x2x5.5-68-9H-.375 75 48 4,500 2,863
L2x2x5.5-68-9H-.5 75 48 4,500 2,863
L2x2x5.5-97-9H-.5 100 45 6,000 2,677
L2x2x7.5-54 75 36 4,500 2,173
L2x2x7.5-68 50 30 3,000 1,825
L2x2x7.5-97 50 43 3,000 2,603
L3x3x3-54 50 43 13,500 3,912
L3x3x3-68 50 36 9,000 3,285
L3x3x3-97 75 39 6,750 3,514
L3x3x5.5-54 75 40 6,750 3,586
L3x3x5.5-68 50 33 4,500 3,011
L3x3x5.5-97 50 48 3,000 2,863
L3x3x7.5-54 50 36 3,000 2,173
L3x3x7.5-68 50 46 3,000 2,737
L3x3x7.5-97 25 33 1,500 1,952
L3x3x12-54 40 47 1,920 2,301
L4x4x4-54 50 39 3,375 1,738
L4x4x4-68 50 32 2,250 1,460
L4x4x4-97 50 46 2,250 2,082
L4x4x5.5-54 50 35 2,250 1,594
L4x4x5.5-68 50 45 2,250 2,007
L4x4x5.5-97 25 32 1,125 1,432
L4x4x7.5-54 50 48 3,000 2,897
L4x4x7.5-68 40 49 1,900 2,409
L4x4x7.5-97 25 42 1,500 2,538
L6x6x6-54 50 29 1,125 1,304
L6x6x6-68 25 36 1,125 1,642
L6x6x6-97 25 52 1,125 2,343
L1.5x4x5.5-54 75 37 4,500 2,191
L1.5x4x5.5-68 50 31 3,000 1,840
L1.5x4x5.5-97 50 44 3,000 2,625
Material Composition
ASTM A1003/A1003M Structural Grade 50 (345) 50ksi (345MPa) minimum yield strength, 65ksi (450MPa) minimum tensile strength, with ASTM A653/A653M G90 (Z275) hot dipped galvanized coating. Available in 33mil minimum thickness (20 gauge, 0.0346” design thickness), 43mil minimum thickness (18 gauge, 0.0451” design thickness), 54mil minimum thickness (16 gauge, 0.0566” design thickness), 68mil minimum thickness (14 gauge, 0.0713” design thickness), 97mil minimum thickness (12 gauge, 0.1017” design thickness) or 118 mil minimum thickness (10 gauge, 0.1242” design thickness).

TSN’s Product Catalogs are an essential resource for the design of cold formed steel. Developed by Engineers, the catalogs contain design data for members, connectors, and fasteners. Common Clip Angle can be found in the following Catalogs:

TSN Cold-Formed Steel Framing Connections Order Catalog

TSN Connections Technical Catalog

TSN Cold-Formed Steel Framing Connections Technical Catalog

TSN Connections Order Catalog

For a full list of our product catalogs, specification sections, inspection checklists, and research reports please click here.

Common Clip Angle Downloads

Common Clip Angle Available

Common Clip Angle - L2x2x2.5 or L2x2x.3.5

L2x2x2.5 or L2x2x.3.5 - 33mil

Common Clip Angle - L1.5x1.5x3.5 97mil

L1.5x1.5x3.5 - 97mil

Common Clip Angle - L1.5x1.5x3.5 54-68mil

L1.5x1.5x3.5 - 54 or 68mil

Common Clip Angle - 5.5x1.5x1.5 or 5.5x2x2 97mil

L1.5x1.5x5.5 or 5.5x2x2 - 97mil

Common Clip Angle - L2x2x5.5-9H

L2x2x5.5-68-9H(.375 or .5) or L2x2x5.5-97-9H(.375 or .5)

Common Clip Angle - 7.5x1.5x1.5 or 7.5x2x2 54-68mil

L1.5x1.5x7.5 or L2x2x7.5 - 54 or 68mil

Common Clip Angle - 7.5x1.5x1.5 or 7.5x2x2 97mil

L1.5x1.5x7.5 or L2x2x7.5 - 97mil

Common Clip Angle - L1.5x4x5.5

L1.5x4x5.5 - 54, 68, or 97mil

Common Clip Angle - L3x3x3 or L4x4x4

L3x3x3 or L4x4x4 - 54, 68, or 97mil

Common Clip Angle - L4x4x5.5 or L4x4x7.5

L4x4x5.5 or L4x4x7.5 - 54 or 97mil

Common Clip Angle - L6x6x6

L6x6x6 - 54, 68, or 97mil

Common Angle Applications

9H Tie Down

9H Tie Down

L3x3x5.5 Truss Connection

L3x3x5.5 Truss Connection

Bridging Connection

Bridging Connection

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