Light Steel Framing Industry Projects

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5 Need-to-Knows about Building Codes and Cold-Formed Steel

5 Need-to-Knows about Building Codes and Cold-Formed Steel

North America is witnessing an explosion of building demands being placed on architects, engineers and contractors (and everyone else). There’s a lot going on. This article has 5 must-know ideas that can help professionals keep up with the dynamics the framing...

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STRUCTURE MAGAZINE: Off-site Construction

STRUCTURE MAGAZINE: Off-site Construction

STRUCTURE MAGAZINE  Feb, 2023 By Nabil A. Rahman, Ph.D., P.E., Andrew Newland P.E. and Kirsten Zeydel, S.E. In Construction Issues CFS Load-Bearing Prefabricated Panels Off-site construction is the future of the building industry. It...

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Steel—Doing It Right® #3: Engineering Considerations

Steel—Doing It Right® #3: Engineering Considerations

How do you ensure that your project’s cold-formed steel (CFS) framing has the right design? Answer: You follow the code requirements. For complex commercial construction, you hire a professional engineer who understands proper design. Engineers can match the...

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5 Reasons Cold-Formed Steel Improves Job Site Safety

5 Reasons Cold-Formed Steel Improves Job Site Safety

Cold-formed steel (CFS) plays a key role in safety on many construction job sites. That’s because through efficient pre-construction planning, prefabrication and ordering of steel studs in precut lengths, CFS-framed assemblies can be erected quickly with less...

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